Friday 4 November 2011

Your Financial Education

As I sit here from afar in my home office and look at the world's state of affairs, I'm really troubled by what I see in the world these days.  How people are choosing to deal with their frustrations of their personal finances by holding signs and blaming the 1% for all their troubles makes me realize, where does this attitude come from?

It all gets back to what you are taught about money growing up.  Money always seemed to cause frustration in my house growing up, not because we didn't have enough, but because of where that money was going.  I had a saver in my mom and a free spender in my dad.  They frequently got into arguments about dad's new toy.  My mom taught me the benefits of entrepeneurship while my dad would complain about the rich not paying their fair share of taxes.  Interesting contrast growing up.

Instead of allowing my parent's to influence my financial outlook, I made a commitment 6 years ago to get as much financial education as I could to make my own judgements and reservations.  What I found is money is not the root of all evil, rather that money is a resource for you to use to create the quality of life for yourself and your family that you desire.

There are two types of people in this world: those that work for money and those who have money work for them.  I feel the frustrations of the protesters but blaming your circumstances on other people is not going to help you.  The rules of money have changed and it's up to the individual to educate themselves so they don't make the mistakes of saving money, putting their wealth into RRSP's and other failing financial scenarios.  That's right, I said failing.  The biggest transfer of wealth from the poor and middle class to the rich is underway and what money choices YOU make starting today will determine how prosperous your families future is.

It's time to stop blaming others for your financial shortfalls.  I know what you're saying...WHERE DO I START?

I recommend reading the book "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert Kiyosaki for starters.  That's where I started.  If reading isn't your thing, you could also set aside 13 minutes of your life by watching Secrets of Wealthy at my website

I wish you a prosperous present and future
