Monday 28 May 2012

Week 2 - Stepping It Up and Doing a RESET

The first week always has to the hardest but I'm glad to report I've had no injury set backs.

Changing strategies, in the past I found I'd tweak my back, tweak it again, create more inflammation and then it eventually got the point where I had to shut things down to get it back under control...some days were so bad that I had difficulty putting my own pants on.  So what I did differently was I stopped doing some overhead lifts and got back to doing some hard cardio/resistance training...THE SLED!

Got two sessions in of 800 metres hauling 135 lbs and two good running sessions in training for my 5 K.

I must say I'm feeling pretty good now that the warmer weather is here.

I cut weight the best when I eat 95% clean and can get in 4 workouts per week.

This week I have three scheduled already at Crossfit Division and three more running sessions.

I also have my RESET program coming Wednesday.  That will easily cut about 5 to 7 lbs and kill any left over carbohydrate cravings.

My overall goal is reduce 12 lbs of body fat and build 12 lbs of lean mass by August 13th.  That's usually hard to do simultaneously but if any program can do it, it's Crossfit!

Sunday 20 May 2012

Getting Back into Great Shape - Day 1

So I'm taking on the commitment of getting back into great shape.  

Fighting off a back issue and parenthood has cut down on the training time, so I'm going to have to be very focused if I'm going to hit my August 13th deadline.

My diet is primarily going to be a low glycemic, well balanced diet supported with optimal cellular nutrition from USANA Health Sciences.

My aim is get 8 hours of sleep a night and stop being such a night hawk.  Sometimes I can't turn my brain off and view sleeping as a waste of time.  This needs to improve as healthy sleep habits play a critical role in overall health.

I'll get my strength exercises from Crossfit Division as well as some cardio.

The trick is going to be having the desire and drive to run on days that Tracy is working her 7 to 7's where I can't Crossfit because of Kevin.  I confess I hate running but want to challenge myself, so I've entered myself into a 5 km run on in mid August and my goal is to finish in under 30 minutes.

I'm following a program where I'm going to run for 1 minute, walk for 90 seconds for a total of 20 minutes...

So to recap the weekly goals: 3 Crossfit Workouts, 3 Additional running days...

Wishing you health and prosperity
