Sunday 9 September 2012

How I Let Go of my Bad Health Habits

I've struggled hard with getting back into the habits necessary to take my body back to it's former athletic self for quite some time.  Yes I've had injuries, but if I was being 100% honest with myself, I knew I had some bad habits. Can you relate? You have the full intention that this time is the time that you're going to do everything it takes to get back to your former self...three weeks in you start to miss workout or two, suddenly something you shouldn't be eating slips back into your diet...and the circle is complete.

You're right back where you started from!  Frustrating...
Well, I can tell you, that since July 20th...I have not ingested any refined sugar, sweets, treats, bread, milk, pasta, rice or anything else detrimental to my fitness goals (I did have two beers last night...sue me).  I've added two hours of cardio activity per week on top of 3 Crossfit workouts each week.  With the exception of being away mid August...I've been 100% consistent.

As a result, I've cut 24 lbs from my frame.  

Now the question...what changed? It was a combination of things...
  • First of all, my body composition test on July 20th really told me that all my efforts to that point wasn't working and it really pissed me off.  I was better than that!
  • I found a cardio activity that I enjoyed outside of organized sports in sled pulls.  
  • I changed the music that I was listening to.  Instead of listening to the same old three chord punk rock...I picked certain tracks that gave me inspiration and goose bumps when I listened to them. 
  • I began to visualize what I would look like when I scheduled my next body composition test a month later.  That gave me accountability to the only person that
  • I told myself, by August 20th, I would be 10 lbs lighter - instead I was 15 lbs lighter.
  • I immediately set another goal for phase two: I set another body composition test on October 2nd and said on that day I will further reduce my body fat by 7.1% and be a solid 220 lbs.  That was an ambitious goal and I'm very close to the pace that I'll need now.
...and finally...I WAS WILLING TO STOP AT NOTHING TO GET THERE!!! Yes there are days when I don't want to workout, but the pain of discipline weighs much less than the pain of regret.  I made the choice to drag my butt out each and every day to do something physical.

As time goes on, I'll share exactly how my program works and hopes that it gives you the inspiration to transform your life.
