Friday 8 June 2012

Four Expenses That Keep The Middle Class Struggling

  1. Taxes – Most people have a job, they have to work hard, follow instructions from their bosses and superiors and get paid.  They don’t own their time.  These are people who love security or tenure.  They will work hard to climb up the corporate ladder.  The higher they climb the ladder, the higher their pay is.  Sad to say, the higher their pay is, the higher their taxes are.  And it’s not them getting rich, it’s their bosses, it’s their company.  Time will come soon enough, when they will begin to burn out and get tired.  Their body will collapse because of stress and age.  And when they stop working, they will also stop receiving income.

2. Debt – Raising taxes forces people to live with more debt, since more and more of people’s money goes to the Government to fund social programs.  Credit cards will become more essential for daily survival and ultimately people without access to credit will begin to slip below the poverty line.

3.  Inflation – The primary cause of inflation is the Government printing money.  Inflation is caused by the purchasing power of your money going down as more and more dollars flood the existing pool of money, which means prices of many essential products, such as food, fuel and services go up as more dollars chase the same amount of goods.  Inflation is often called “the invisible tax”, which is hardest on the poor, elderly, savers, low income workers and fixed income retirees.

4.  Retirement – How do you take care of an aging population that cannot provide for themselves? The answer to that question may well be more expensive than the current world economic woes.  Today, many families are entering into financial bankruptcy due to retirement and even medical costs.

Clearly, the traditional means of working a 40 year career are not working…The only question that remains is what are you going to do differently?

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