Tuesday 26 June 2012

Your Health - The Compound Effect

I'd like to tell you a story.  It's about my dad and how he indirectly influenced me to take responsibility for my long term health.  You see, my dad was a walking billboard of health in the early 1980's.  He was weight training 6 days a week and only had the one real bad habit...smoking.  We urged him to quit and he finally did before the decade was out.  Unfortunately, like many ex-smokers do, they begin to gain weight because their focus turns to another addiction.  FOOD.

My dad spent 18 years in chosen profession working up the Corporate ladder and each time he was promoted he was faced with more responsibility, longer hours, more office politics and ultimately stress.  It finally caught up with him at age 49.  His smoking past, food past and current stress led to his first angioplasty.  That's where an artery is completely or partially blocked and they send a balloon like device into the blockage and inflate it to open up the blood flow.  That procedure was followed by a second one at age 51, and a third one age 52.  A double bypass followed 10 years later.  These occurrences did not just manifest overnight.  It wasn't a mistake.

They began with small choices each day on the day added up over time.  The Compound Effect.

Too many people leave their health to chance and only appreciate how valuable it is once it's gone or if they finally encounter a symptom of degenerative disease.  Did you know the first symptom of a heart attack in 40% of the cases is death?

It doesn't have to be that way.  Modest exercise, optimal cellular nutrition and a healthy low glycemic diet can add years to your life.

How healthy are you? Find out in two minutes with a free Health Assessment Tool:


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