Sunday 22 July 2012

Knowing Where You Are...

Many of my mentors have told me that it's important to get specific of where you are today so you can measure your progress while you advance.  In business I've pretty much been in line with that philosophy.  In my workouts, I haven't.

Some of you know that I've been fighting a disc protrusion for quite some time that I've finally been able to put behind me.  As a result, I've just started to build back my strength and get my workouts in consistently over the past 4-5 weeks.

Last week, I was presented with an opportunity to participate in a metabolic conditioning study and was also subjected to a BOD POD body fat analysis (pictured below).  The BOD POD is also 4 times more accurate then using calipers.

You get to wear ultra tight boxer shorts and a swimmer's cap so that the air pressure can accurately read your body composition.  I knew I had some work to do and knew that some of it wasn't related to injury.  The resulting analysis rocked my world.  I had no idea how far out of spec I was.  It just goes to show you that fully understanding where you are at a given time is so critical for focus.  Since receiving my report, I've got a renewed sense of focus and drive to get things where they need to be.  It's only been 3 days, but I've been ultra strict with my diet and ultra strict with my workouts.

I've very excited how my body is responding in a such a short time already.  I can already feel a difference as I target my baseball playing weight with the lean mass I've built at Crossfit.  At this current pace I should be where I want to be in 8 weeks.

So I can't recommend enough to get your baselines done when you're striving for a new goal whether it be financial, health, etc...Yes it may initially be uncomfortable and sometimes embarrassing, but for laser focus, there's nothing like it.

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