Monday 20 August 2012

Material Things Do Not Motivate Me

Amazing...I am floored.  I always thought that I was strongly motivated by having the assets in place to accumulate the finer things in life.

I just found out that I've been completely misaligned in my life pursuits.

Here would be a typical day for me: Completely in the zone, very serious, very focused, reserved and almost robot like:

What really motivates me is knowing that I had a hand in helping somebody else get out of their own way and watching them go out and achieve greatness.  Creating a tight knit group that loves spending time together, that energizes, motivates and inspires others to reach up and grasp something that they never thought was possible for themselves ALL BY HAVING FUN!

I've watched the movie The Shift by Wayne Dyer before and I really didn't get it.  For those of you that have seen it, maybe you're in the same boat that I was.  Why wouldn't you want to aim your life's pursuits at wealth creation? That fire ran deep in me and it still does, but now it's different.

It's not longer about the money anymore.  Yes money is the side effect of helping others reach their potential but the real reward is helping that person achieve their own breakthrough, no matter how big or no matter how small.

I have been very grateful in my life to have the type of life that I do to this point, but it's no longer about that. There are so many other people out there that need to experience a shift in their alignment so they can experience their passions.

All of the sudden, I finally know exactly what I want in my life.  Very grateful that I figured it out at age 35.

Here's what I'm creating more of:

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