Wednesday 22 August 2012

5 Tips to Being a Good Networker

Hi there...

I just attended a networking function this morning and it made me want to scream a little.  You walk into a room, introduce yourself to somebody, they shake your hand and then they instantly try selling you their product or service....YIKES!

After I was able to politely get away from the conversation I was thinking that the person wasn't a bad person, they just likely didn't have the training to conduct themselves properly at a function.

With that in mind, I thought I'd put together 5 Quick Tips to Handle Yourself Professionally at a Networking Function:

1 - Networking functions are about expanding your network, not about prospecting, if it's your goal to sell your product rather than make a genuine connection, you'll find yourself on the outside.

2 - Be respectful of somebody's time when you meet them.  Don't try to find out everything about them right then and there.  This person is also trying to expand their network and that doesn't mean they want to speak with you the whole time.

3 - For anybody that you meet that you have a connection with.  Call them up soon after and ask them out for a coffee to deepen the relationship and better your understanding of their business for potential referrals.

4 - Sometimes people are nervous at networking functions.  For anybody that you recognize as new, help them feel comfortable and introduce them to some of the people you know already.

5 - Smile and introduce yourself to somebody within 30 seconds of being there.  Tension over and done with! Now you can relax and enjoy the conversation.

Be a PRO at the next event!

1 comment:

  1. Well said, and I totally agree. Now lets spread the word on Networking Professionally
